Elon Musk — 6 months down the lineAnd barely 6 months down the line, Tesla stock has climbed from 500 to 1900 Usd while Elon Musk rose from around #60 to no. 4 in the…Aug 19, 20201Aug 19, 20201
Life — Trial by fireAt the dawn of adulthood, a very rosy view of life greets us as we dream of conquering the world - full of bright hope and enthusiasm.Jul 11, 2020Jul 11, 2020
Why you should read booksWriting a good book is not easy - it practically condenses an author’s lifetime knowledge and experience in a few hundred pages that may…May 25, 2020May 25, 2020
Exponential EducationThe world increasingly belongs to people who understand and can harness the exponential trends and change that is happening right under our…May 16, 2020May 16, 2020
India Against HappinessA couple of years back, few of us Indians chanced to visit a place called Beira in Mozambique. Like most African countries, Mozambique is…May 16, 2020May 16, 2020
Nostalgia !A good part of feeling nostalgic is the warm fuzzy glow that we feel while remembering people and places long forgotten and left behind…May 16, 2020May 16, 2020
A case for Armchair ActivismUrban middle class in India is often accused of armchair activism — always ranting against politicians and the ‘system’ from their drawing…May 16, 2020May 16, 2020
Dice always rollsPeople everywhere - rich or poor - inevitably feel a tug of nostalgia for childhood that no amount of material success can compensate for…Apr 23, 2020Apr 23, 2020